15th Annual Guitar and Gear Swap Meet

Saturday, May 3rd , 2025

The Annual C.O. Guitar and Gear Swap Meet is here again.

The details for vendors are...

Thank you for inquiring regarding tables at this event. Please note the following
1. LOCATION - The event is being held at THE BEND FACTORY STORES
2. REGISTRATION - Pre-registration for vendor tables is required. Each table is
$100.00 and must be paid for in advance. A second table is $80.00. Please use
the form below. Registrations will be accepted by phone, email, USPS or
delivered to Sunday Guitars. CC’s and Checks accepted. Please bring this form
with you as your proof of payment.
3. LATE REGISTRATION – If additional table space is still available on Saturday
morning there will be a $50.00 assembly charge ($150.00 total) for late
registration. Absolutely no late registration after 8:30 am the day of.
4. PASSES - Only TWO (2) free passes will be given with each table. If you, as a
vendor, need other helpers for the entire day, or off and on, they pay regular
5. SPACE - Tables are provided. Each vendor should provide all other means of
“dressing up” your space (ie. Signs, table cloths, etc.)
6. FEES - There is no additional charge as a “sale fee” in addition to the registration
fee. Each vendor is responsible for their own money changing.
7. SET UP - Set up time is both Friday, May 2 nd and Saturday, May 3, Friday set up
is 4 pm to 7 pm and Saturday morning: 7:00 am to 9:00 am. On Sat. morning,
please do not set up later than 9:00 am. Setting up late causes un-necessary
congestion and must be avoided. There will be helpers and equipment available
to help carry stuff in on a first-come-first-serve basis
8. TEAR DOWN - Clean up and Move out starts at 4:00 pm. Please do not plan on
moving out any earlier. Each space must be cleaned out by 5:30 pm
9. ANNOUNCEMENTS - At various times during the day there will be
announcements made. Please give a courtesy pause when these announcements
are being made
10. HAND CARRY - Individuals entering the event may carry in items for Swap
purposes. These individuals will pay a $2.00 per item fee. There is a limit of 2
items per person upon each entrance into the building. There will not be a charge
for re-entering the building. Hand stamps will be used for verification.
11. ENTERTAINMENT – Various guitarists will be performing during the day.
12. FOOD - There will be food and drinks available during the day for a small fee.
13. PARKING – Vendor parking further out, south of the entrance. Please vendors,
leave the front parking spaces for your customers
Wireless internet on the premises. Totally family friendly!!! Get autographs of
musicians. Tons of T-shirts for sale. Lots of accessories
REGISTRATION FORM: You can purchase the table HERE, but you must visit the store to fill out the registration form and receive your proof of purchase.