7th Annual Central OR Guitar & Gear Swap Meet!

SAVE THE DATE!  It's time for our 6th annual Central Oregon Guitar & Gear Swap Meet! Saturday, April 21st at The Bend Factory Stores (Unit 260).  We invite you to join us as we get our gear-fix on!

Saturday, April 21, 2018
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
The Bend Factory Stores
61334 S. Hwy 97, Suite 260, Bend

Buy, Swap and see all kinds of guitars, fiddles, amps, drum stuff, electronics, books, fixtures, teachers, stereo gear, parts, etc.

INSTRUMENTS TO SELL OR TRADE?  VENDORS ARE WELCOME – An eight foot space is just $50.00.(table and chairs provided).  If you don’t need a table you may hand-carry gear in for just $2.00 each (limit 2 per person).

$3.00 per person at the door! Kids 10 and under free

Brought to you by Sunday Guitars & Flip Flop Sound. A Benefit for CROCK (Cascades Rock Ensemble)

Need more information? Contact SUNDAY GUITARS at (541) 323-2332 OR Email: ted@sundayguitars.com